In poe, every day, players from all over the world play in it. Many players choose to share their anecdotes and experiences in the game, so today I want to talk about a thing that is rarely noticed. Both Frenzy and Power charges have plentiful ways to keep them up. So much so that even skills that eat them such as Flicker Strike (Frenzy) or Cold Snap (Power) are easily able to manage them (Cold Snap not being in a good place atm has nothing to do with its charge requirements). But what of Endurance Charges? Well, as Tectonic Slam has recently showcased, the moment endurance charge generation is stressed it just quickly falls apart. Even Juggs struggle to keep T.Slam always at max coverage (and anyone who imagined a Chieftain could keep it up was quickly disabused of that idea). The other specific Endurance-consuming skill in the game - Vigilant Strike - is barely seen (sure it's namelock, but that's not the only reason it doesn't get used). What's more, the met...
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